четвъртък, 9 декември 2010 г.



Днес ................................ 200
, представляван за целите на този договор от ........................................., по-долу наричан ПРЕХВЪРЛИТЕЛ от една страна

, учредено в …………., адрес: Пощенска кутия, Свободна зона …….., представлявано за целите на този договор от .............................................................. по-долу наричан КУПУВАЧ, от друга страна се сключи настоящия договор за прехвърляне на дялове:
1. ПРЕХВЪРЛИТЕЛЯТ продава, а КУПУВАЧЪТ купува 50 (петдесет) дяла на стойност 100 (сто) лева всеки от капитала на ЕООД, дружество регистрирано в България по фирмено дело на Софийски градски съд, с адрес: Бул., София, България при условията посочени в настоящия договор.
2. Цената на горепосочените дялове възлиза на 5000 (пет хиляди) лева и е платена в брой от КУПУВАЧА на ПРОДАВАЧА.
Настоящият договор се подписа от страните в три идентични екземпляра – по едиз за всяка от страните и един за съда.

Subject of the Agreement

1. The TRANSFERRER sells and the PURCHASER buys 50 (fifty) shares each having par value of 100 (one hundred) leva of the capital of AD i, registered under company file N /Sofia City Court, BULSTAT N……, having its seat at Blvd., Sofia, Bulgaria hereinafter referred to as “the Company” Representing …% of its capital under the terms and conditions set by the present contract.
2. The TRANSFEROR shall be obliged to transfer and the BUYER is obliged to buy the shares subject to this Agreement together with all rights and obligation arising from them.

3. The price for all shares subject to this Agreement shall be (thousand ) Euro.

4. The price as agreed in this Agreement is fully paid by the PURCHASER to the TRANSFERRR in cash upon signing this Agreement and transferring the shares in the way required by the Bulgarian law and Company’s Charter.

Rights and Obligations of the PARTIES

5. The TRANSFEROR shall transfer the shares subject to this Agreement to the BUYER by endorsement as required by the Bulgarian Commercial Act of the following share certificates (temporary certificates?) N….representing …% of the Company’s capital.

6. The TRASFEROR shall hand over to the BUYER the share certificates (temporary certificates) dully endorsed upon signing this Agreement.

7. The TRANSFEROR shall assist the BUYER to register the share transfer into the Company’s shareholders book.

8. The BUYER shall pay the price as agreed in this Agreement and receive the share certificates (temporary certificates)

General Provisions
9. This Agreement is entered in writing, which is form sufficient for its validity under the laws of Bulgaria and becomes enforceable upon its signing.

10. This Agreement has been construed in accordance with and governed by the Bulgarian Law.

11. The PARTIES shall agree to resolve any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement by way of negotiations between them. Where negotiations fail, any of the party shall have right to file a claim with the relevant Bulgarian court (I would recommend arbitration at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) .
12. This Agreement has been signed by both PARTIES in three identical copies, a copy for each of the parties and a copy for the court.

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